Saturday, July 15, 2006

Top Five Movie Scenes

Mr. Ratburn requested a list of your top 5 movie scene of the summer. Here is mine. You can also go check out Art's list too.

"Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas". The trip on the way to vegas.

"Napoleon Dynamite". Dance scene. He can really get down.

"Brokeback Mountain". Kiss scene.

"Matrix:Revolutions". Final fight scene between Neo and Mr. Smith

"Devils Advocate". The scene where Keanu shoots himself in the head. I couldn't find a pic of it though. I guess it is too violent.


S said...

Ive seen the first three, but the second two, NOT my kind of films!
I'll tell Ratburn you played, he doesnt blog much....

lime said...

the napoleon scene is one of the funniest damn things