Friday, June 30, 2006

Flash Fiction Friday

I wanted to put some of my poetry on my blog, but that would not be a good idea, considering almost all of my poems are unpublished. So I thought I would do something that my aunt does on her blog. She says it has to be 55 words about at least one main character and have a decipherable plot. I haven't written much since college, but I will give it a try, regardless of my unpolished writting skills.

She walked along searching for meaning in her life. She was lost and had no where to go, so she followed the path ahead of her. It ended with no sign of a continuance in her sight. Now what? How will she find her way without guidance. She is lost.

Maybe i will have better luck next week.

Here is a picture of Baz playing with a dog named Prince. Baz throws the ball and Prince catches it. I guess he gets a little impatient tries to shove the ball in his mouth.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Sleeping Like A Baby

I just thought this picture was too cute, so I had to put it on my blog. Baz was so tired he just sat down in his chair and fell asleep. Ahhhh, too cute.

Temple Thursday

My Aunt does this thing on her blog called Tori Tuesday about Tori Amos. I thought I would pay tribute to my favorite band, Stone Temple Pilots, even though they have not made an album since 2002 and are broken up. I wanted to do something in memory of a band that wrote great music which inspired a lot of the poetry that I write. Here are the lyrics to my favorite song "lounge fly". This song kicked butt when I heard STP play in in concert.

Lounge Fly

It's ok, it's ok, ok relieve me
Pins in me, pins in me, in me you kill me
The lounge fly, the lounge fly, they fly you bring me
I think I'm free but the dogs they wont release me

I can't give what I take away
And the other understands
She said she'd be my wo
She said she'd be my man
I can't live this way
Please refill my soul

Don't have a nickel or a dollar but you feed me
My bottles empty but you always refill me
I feel I'm sinking but you won't let me drown me
I wanna (bleep) I wanna (bleep)
But do you need me

I never actually liked that song untill I heard it at a concert in Las vegas in 2001. Instantly it was my new, favorite song.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


I was watching Best Week Ever on VH1, and Doug Benson did a segment on You can upload a photo of yourself, and they will tell you what celebrity you look like. I uploaded the photo on the left. and these were the resluts:

I resembled Kristen Davis from Sex In the City (I was pleasantly suprised).

Oddly Baz (my son) looked like Claudia Schiffer. I was like "What?"

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Keychain Collection

Here are some of my favorite keychains in my collection.

This is my keychain collection. I have 213 of them. I have been collection since I was about 8 years old. I recount them periodically to ensure my count is correct.

These are my two most recent additions to my collection (below). The light bulb is from Las Vegas.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Futurama is back

Futurama is the coolest cartoon ever, created by Matt Groening (The creator of The Simposons). The cartoon was cancelled in 2002, and is being brought back in the year 2008. 13 new episodes will be airing on Comedy Central. Yes!

Where a kid can be a kid

This is a pic of Baz and myself at Chuck E Cheese. Baz is eagerly stuffing his face with pizza. I love Chuck E Cheese, it is where an adult can be a kid, too!

Splishin' and a Splashin'

Here is little Baz enjoying himself ina cool pool on a HOT day. Try to keep cool. Summer is here

Go Lakers

Baz and I made these pillows for his daddy for father's Day. It was harder than you think to get his little fingers straight in order to make a handprint
Go Lakers!!!

Rush overdose

This is my son watching Rush

This is what happens when you let your children watch rush too close to the television

Rush Overdose!!!


A friend told us about a new park so we went to check it out. We were looking for a playground with a swingset and a slide, and all we found was this. Is it a swingset? I have no idea, wierd huh?

My new blog