Monday, July 03, 2006

A Day in the Park

Our little family decided to go to Griffith Park in Los Angeles on Sunday. We took Baz on the pony ride, the train ride and the carousel. We went to the park and then to Travel Town Museum to ride the miniature train. It was soooo much fun. It is amazing how much more fun you can have with your children, than when you did things before you had children.

Baz and Daddy on the carousel

Baz and Mommy at Travel Town in front of an old Trolley


C-BAZ and ARTAX said...

C-Baz: I had so muuch FUN!
Artax: Yeah, so did I.

lime said...

It is amazing how much more fun you can have with your children, than when you did things before you had children.

i LOVE that perspective. so many people think it is the other way around. you rock!

Amber said...

Totally! Seeing my son have fun is 10 times more exciting than having fun myself. It is amazing how their happiness brings so much more joy to your heart than your own happiness.