Tuesday, September 26, 2006


My son received his first professional haircut recently. I usually cut it myself, but due to a hair trimming accident (cutting bangs way too short during last cut) I decided to take him to a salon. I called a children's hair salon equiped with balloons, racing car chairs, cookies, popcorn and distracting televisions. $22 for a kid's haircut! I don't even pay that much to get my hair cut. So, I took him to the place I go. Only $8 for a cut. It turned out that all the distractions wern't necessary. I just had to beleive that he would behave in the barber's chair, and he did!


lime said...

such an adorable picutre! i remember when my husband took my son to the barber shop when he was little. he came back looking so dapper and proud, but then he said, 'mom, i don't yike da sticky stuff in my hair!'

C-BAZ and ARTAX said...

You do a great job with my hair.

Amber said...

Except that last time

S said...

Oh my gosh he looks like you so much when you were a baby!

Amber, Kingfisher is Indian beer!
I think they have American beer in India, but Ive never noticed....
