Monday, September 04, 2006

The Getty Museum

At an early attempt to culturaize Baz, Art and I dragged our son to the Getty Museum this Labor Day weekend. The museum doesn't charge admission, only $7 for parking. So it definetly worth the money. We pulled ourselves out of bed very early and arrived before the door opened in hopes of beating the crowds. Dozens of other art lovers had the same idea. The tram ride to the top of the hill was a lot of fun.
One downside to museums is that snacks and beverages are not permitted in the galleries. How else do they expect me to pacify my child so I can try to enjoy a piece of artwork or two. Every gallery is guarded by museum attendents waiting to jump on you for every little thing you do. "Sir, cameras are not allowed in this exhibit", "Ma'am you can not allow that child to have his water bottle in his stroller." Why can't they let my child have his sippy cup, it IS leak proof. I finally stumbled upon one piece by Van Gogh, my favorite artist. Irises. It was more beautiful than I imagined. Totally worth it. We made a quick stop to the children's center so Baz could unwind from his confinement to his stroller.
It was a good thing we arrived early. Upon leaving, we saw that the line for the tram ride to get to the museum was longer than most ride lines at Disneyland. I wonder what museum I will torture Baz with next?


lime said...

oh lovely, it's been years since i have been to an art museum. i can't convince mr lime that they are wonderful and thus, the kids aren't too interested, except my son might be getting to where he'd like it now.....

S said...

Ooh Amber, I have always wanted to go there...but, the crowds...not my thing!

Do you remember when Jeanne took you kids to a museum and one of you knicked over a Ming Dynasty vase or something like that! Made me wonder if it was a fake afterall, the guards didn't seem too upset! LOL

I have got to get myself down to the has been too long. As you know, no shortage of museums in San Francisco.

Sidewaysagain said...

The Getty is so worth it, one of my all time favorite museums for sure. And the cool thing is, most days there's hardly anyone there. It's really only crowded on weekends and Holidays. But you made the right choice and got there early. Next time, go on Tuesday, and spend some time in the gardens. Really nice. -SSS

S said...

Jeanne told me about the museum incident! I was horrified! No way did I go anywhere with that wild bunch of crazy boys!

How bout the time K tied D to the pole at Disneyland with his sweatshirt to keep him from misbehaving....uh yeah, good idead, K!

S said...

Be very glad you went to Disneyland on a different day....

Perdante said...


Anonymous said...

Wheres that 55?

S said...

Its not too late to do 55 Amber :D

RennyBA said...

Here from The house of Lime and I'm glad course I love museums and also are happy that we got Scream and Madona of Munch in Norway is back!
Have a lovely end to your week:-)